Beef and Broccoli Recipe

beef and broccoli recipe

a classic Steak and Broccoli Recipe that easy to make and full of nutrition  

beef broccoli


  • 1 pound broccoli
  • 1tsp sesame oil
  • 1tsp soy sauce
  • 2 tsp cornstarch
  • 1 pound flank steak
  • ΒΌ cup beef broth
  • 2 tsp chili sauce
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp parsley


  • in a bowl, mix together the soy sauce, sesame oil   1 tsp corn starch, and 1 teaspoon chili sauce and leave aside
  • then slice the steak to 1-inch strips, put it in the mix and make sure it coated well, and leave for 1h
beef and broccoli

  • in another bowl mix the beef broth and 1tsp corn starch, mix it well 

  • in a large pan heat the olive oil on medium heat then take the steak and toss it into the pan, stir it every 1 min until the steak is almost done, take it out and let it rest for now

 steak and broccoli

  • add more olive oil to the pan, after a minute add the broccoli and stir it for 3 mins

  • then bring back the steak and add it to the broccoli and add the mix we made and cook it for an additional 2 min then add the parsley, salt and pepper tp taste.

serve with white rice and mash potato.
