Nutrition & Diet Guide For Pregnancy ( What To Eat & Not To Eat )

Diet while pregnancy 


Diet while pregnancy doesn't mean Eating 

less to lose weight cause doing a wrong diet can harm 

you and your baby so it is extremely important that 

you choose the right diet and the right food to eat 

filled with vitamins, fibers, and proteins you and 

your baby needs and avoids eating wrong food that 

causes you to gain weight and harm your baby so we 

gonna show you what pregnancy diet Means, What 

To Eat and What Not To Eat  

the structure of your meals must contain the right nutrition

What Nutrition You Need 

pregnancy food

Vitamin C ( Orange, Berries, Broccoli, Avocados )

Folic Acid ( black beans, veal, Green Vege )

Proteins and Iron ( Salmon, Egg, Red Meat, Bread )

Calcium for your baby bones ( yogurt, milk, Fish, cream, Dairy Products )

Vitamin A ( Sweet Potatoes )

Omega 3 ( Tuna, Fish Liver Oil, Salmon )

A lot of Water it's important to keep your body hydrated

dehydration can cause you tiredness and urine infection So you should drink 8-12 Glass of water per day and eat fruits filled with water such as ( watermelon and coconut )

What To Avoid

pregnant food


Raw meat ( Medium well stake - raw salmon - sushi )

Medium well eggs 

Consuming a lot of Spicy Food 

Consuming a lot of Sugar 

This is an Example Day Plan containing all your body and your baby needs 

Breakfast: Oatmeal with a banana + a cup of yogurt + 1 toast with cheese 

Dinner: 1 Chicken breast with broccoli and black beans  + 1 cup rice  

Healthy Chicken Breasts With Vegetables )

Lunch:  Tuna Sandwich + Sweet Potatoes + 1 cup veggies 

Sweet Potatoes Recipe )

+ 8-12 Cups of Water Per Day 

+ Snacks between Meals ( hummus salad - frozen yogurt - a piece of Fruit - a raw piece of vegetable - veggie Mix Bowl - peanut butter sandwich )

Vegan Bowl )
Black beans, Corn and Onion Salad )

Stay Healthy.
